Social Responsibility

We believe in being good neighbors. Besides creating jobs for the community,
we have a long-term social responsibility program.

  • For the last five years, Pikaia Lodge has employed an additional teacher for the local El Cascajo school, and this program is ongoing.
  • The Lodge donated materials to replace the church roof, carried out by local community members.
  • The Lodge donated paving materials and fuel for repairing the main road of the village with the machinery provided by the municipality.
  • We undertake to organize and promote regular sporting and ecological events in the village.
  • When possible, local students are invited to Pikaia Lodge conference room for science presentations.
  • The Lodge sources agricultural products such as Galapagos organic coffee, vegetables and seasonal fruits, mostly from the El Cascajo community.
  • The Lodge promotes and includes in its guest programs, activities owned and run by village residents, such as visits to lava tunnels, craters and wildlife refuges.

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination.

If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and bring supplies for area schools, you'll make a priceless impact on the lives of our local children and families.

Please click here to see what supplies are needed for our project/projects.

The Galapagos beaches

Our greatest asset, our people

Pikaia Lodge generates around 100 permanent jobs for local settlers on the island of Santa Cruz. The Galapagos special protection law restricts the hiring of Ecuadorians from the continental mainland, as well as foreign nationals, and grants a limited number of temporary residence permits to non-settlers.

Our people Pikaia Lodge

Welcome to Pikaia Lodge

Before the advent of the special protection Galapagos law in 1998, the tourism, agriculture and fishing sectors legally brought many continental workers to the islands, triggering a local population growth explosion. If this trend were allowed to continue, it could have led to overpopulation and unsustainable pressures on the islands' natural resources.

The Pikaia Lodge administration has applied to date for no more than seven temporary residence permits for key highly-skilled employees with international experience, such as Lodge managers, the executive chef, key multilingual service personnel, and specialized technicians for our complex support systems. The great majority of our positions have been filled by locals, especially from the adjacent agricultural village of El Cascajo.

They received intensive training for their field of service by our hospitality specialists. The people from this community are known for being a honest, hard-working agricultural labor force, with a friendly attitude towards visitors.

Almost all of the crew members of our Yachts are permanent residents of the islands, and many of them are ex-fishermen that have been successfully re-trained for working in tourism. They have an intimate knowledge of the Galapagos seas and marine wildlife.

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